Saturday, June 21, 2008

Got Java?

Here are my pages for Carol. A lot going on there but you give me a theme like coffee...forgettaboutit! Here is how it went down: I stamped some Mocha Java remix paper with the MJ unmounteds and some stamps from my stash, then went over the rings with Sephia Accents, painted java in brown, reinked the edges in bronze, glazed with glassy accents, embossed coffee mug and spoon in cooper and silver then mounted on cardboard, chipboard numbers covered in copper acrylic paints, stamped the mugs on some brown cardstock and went over with Matt Modge, printed coffee break title from the internet, mounted on cardboard and covered with glossy Modge..the wonderful was from my stash and just jumped on the page.
Again, forgive the pic quality as its still my cell phone!

I sure hope she likey!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure she'll love it Luly...Julie

Anonymous said...

You just knew I would look....and I'm droooooling :)


Hetty said...

Hi Luly!
Coudn't resist to look at your blog and leave a comment here and you know why!
See you soon!
Greetings from The Netherlands.